Early works (selection)
1998 - Forging Horseshoes and Shoeing Horses - eight timers, videoplayer, tv
and videotape. Each timer sets the next one every 24 hours running for one hour.
At the end of 12.557.074 years, number eight sets in motion a how-to videotape.
1987 - Ik deel haar met jou / I share her/hair with you - Hoge Bomen Collectie, folded
blue A3-paper and a lock of red human hair). The Dutch ‘haar’ is a homonym.
2007 - The Army of Split Souls - 7 life-size video installations.
2005 - The Burden - two beamer video installation, permanently installed at
Amsterdam UMC. https://youtu.be/9Uj1-DACrvE
2003-2005 - The Power of Imperfection - video-installations
2001-2002 - We are Poetry - 21 shorts
2000 - 52 WEEKS - 52 shorts.
1998 - Girl - installation. Maggots, cardboard, aluminium, wood and cooling device.
video registration: https://youtu.be/GuBciKucPAM
1999 - Man - video-installation, loop 4'.30''
fragment: https://youtu.be/mONOOp_5zz8
1998-2000 - The Spiderweb Wall - 300x200x25 cm, steel, spiders and spiderwebs, flies.
1994 - Bokkezang / Bucksong - the first Dutch literary video booktrailer,
accompanying a novel written by Mariët Meester.
1996 - Digging up Coza - the artist digs up his favourite goat, video registration 45
min. Fragment: https://youtu.be/JngHYKpZMsk
1986-2020 - Numerous documentary photos for e.g. De Tijd, Vrij
Nederland, De Volkskrant, Onkruid, De Kleine Aarde, De Hoefslag, Onze
Wereld. Subjects: horses, travels to India, Spain, Mali, long stays with
Roma in Romania a.o.
1982-1990 - Numerous illustrations and cartoons for magazines.
1984-1986 - Kunst voor automobilisten / Art for Car Drivers - more than 50 paintings
on the backside of the second living wagon, i.c.w. Mariët Meester.
1982-1983 - De gouden kooi / The Golden Cage - 7 paintings on the inside of the first
living wagon i.c.w. Mariët Meester.
1981 - Love Boxes - mail art with 25 ‘outside question - inside reply’ cigarette boxes
i.c.w. Mariët Meester.
1998 - The Struggle - video installation, circular projection on a floor, loop 30 min.
fragment: https://youtu.be/xohEqaZEzdA
1996-1998 and 2017 - Cremation Ashes - cremation ashes of 27 animals, roadkill or
found dead in the meadows
1996 - Pair of Blackbirds - ashes, glass bottle
1996-1998 - The Infinite Mouse Series - pictures of a dead mice dramatized with paint
- mice provided by city people harassed by mice. Wood, cremation ashes, glass test
tubes, 144 mice, each 16x20cm.
1997 - Spiderweb Balls - 9 pieces, spiderwebs, exoskeletons of spiders and prey,
barndust, collected in France and the Netherlands
1998 - Caressing A Cadaver - 160 sentences, personal observations and proceedings
in farm life. Versions in Dutch, German, English, Spanish, Bulgarian and
1993-1994 - Dead Farm Animals - 24 photos dramatized with paint of deceased
farm animals, each 122x81cm
1995 - Objects containing dead animals - dead animals, polyester
1995 - Sleepers - 16 with paint dramatized photos of sleeping people, each
We and We (remake: Vitality, 2023) The Power of Imperfection
https://youtu.be/hrwReHhIQes https://youtu.be/vJjY2-ryWxA
Week 12 - The Stoïc Week 30 - The Lonely Man Playing He Is Two
https://youtu.be/VFJ48rFcmmA https://youtu.be/KbycTBDlhd0
The Attraction to Men to The Bottle
Control the Useless https://youtu.be/ScyF4jiPZYk
2009 - Lummi Cemetery - loop 10'.48'', video installation. A cemetery of Native Americans